Liquid Light Press

from Jeremy Martin


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by Jeremy Martin

This is Jeremy Martin's first book of poetry and is a mind field of delight. It explodes with incendiary insight, cosmic playfulness and dizzying joy. It lifts us up on the back of a rocket and leaves in the weightless orbit of inner self. (Available in our Lulu Bookstore as a Premium First Edition Chapbook or as an e-book in pdf or epub formats. It is also available for Kindle Readers directly from our Kindle Book Shelf.)

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What others are saying about Catalyst:

"With Catalyst, Jeremy Martin beautifully claims his place among a new generation of American poets. These exquisite creations read like wrought iron, twisted and shaped into gorgeous contortions while white with the heat of Martin's blazing passion and intellect."
~ Jonathan Johnson, author of In the Land We Imagined Ourselves

"Jeremy Martin's poems are jazzy vehicles for a galactic journey inward and outward -- infinite space for the finite traveler. One is immersed completely in the playful joy of surfing cosmic Bang-waves intimate as touching tongues with god. Martin is a modern mystic filled with boyish enthusiasm-awe and the spiritual wildness of a sufi poet. If you prefer existential angst and contemporary post-modern linguistics, skip these poems. If you thrive on ecstasy with an attitude, read each one carefully!"
~ Wayne Gilbert, Poet and Board Member with Art as Action

"The poems in Jeremy Martin's work, Catalyst, should truly cause a reaction in the souls of the readers. Realms normally regarded as distinct -- the language of science and symphony, of the sensual and spiritual, organic and technological -- dance together to the sounds of skillfully chosen words. These selections remind us of the beauty, the excitement and the sheer awe of life."
~ Kenneth McIntosh, Consulting Editor for Anamchara Books

"Martin's poems are evocative of love, relationship and cosmos, and the value of all things found within; and this in a way that is particularly accessible. His words invite the reader to experience an often swirling metaphor combining the freshness of a new thought with the wisdom of an old soul. "Inside each of us is an inner garden," Martin writes in one piece, and it's that inner garden we get to glimpse in his well-crafted poems, which, in turn, help us recognize that garden in ourselves."
~ Jill Divine, author of Game